Welcome! We’re excited to unleash the Business Design Podcast, and are hopeful that it will be as fun to listen to as it is for us to produce.

The idea of The Business Design Podcast came to John as he was discussing some of the things he had been learning in his own entrepreneurial journey with Scott and me (Ian). Together the three of us decided to pool our collective experience, perspective (and sheer determination) to produce something new for the startup community. Ultimately, we’re driven by learning, and we want to share the good and bad we experience along the way with our fellow entrepreneurs. You can read more about each of us over on our About page, but here are some of the commonalities that unite us:

  • We’re all actively running startups.
  • We’re technical founders
  • We hail from the midwest (the pleasant peninsula state)
  • We bootstrap
What’s it all for?

The Business Design Podcast is here to help entrepreneurs design and build businesses that succeed on their own (even if you take a 6 month vacation). We share the successes and pitfalls of many entrepreneurs like you and equip you to make daily progress in your business. Our mission is to inspire future entrepreneurs to pursue their dreams and help current entrepreneurs get unstuck in their business.

Heard enough? Go subscribe to the podcast on iTunes, or check out previous episodes here on our blog.

Thanks for taking the journey with us!



Photo Credit: aokettun cc